Our Prevention Policy for COVID-19

Hello Adventure Community,

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, the world around us is changing rapidly. And while many things are changing, we are still commitment in providing cozy, comfortable thermals while we are all living insolation.

Firstly, the most important thing is your safety, this is a top priority for us. We are doing everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19 and keep our communities safe.


What are we doing? Well we are living in our little bubble in Cumberland BC. and practicing social distancing at all times. My weekly outing is for essential items only (food).

Your order is handled with the utmost care. I am sanitizing my hands, wear gloves and wear a mask while working in our Stripes Gear product room. Your order is seal in a plastic envelope so you are able to wipe down once you receive your Stripes. (Plastic is not my ideal way packaging your Stripes but it seems to be the easiest way you can sanitize once your Stripes arrive) Your orders are delivered to Canada Post by me, helping to reduce the number of touches. Please note we are experiencing longer delivery times to some places in the world. If occurs I will connect with you before I send your Stripes out. We are utilizing online payments only during this time.   

We’re continuing to monitor the Center for Disease Control (CDC) at cdc.gov and our local health department’s website for updates and any changes that might affect the way we serve you and your family in this uncertain time.

If you see other safety precautions which we should be implementing to ensure your safety, please do not hesitate, connect with us at:

[email protected]


Thank you for your business and enjoy your next adventure,

Stay safe

Jody at Stripes Gear